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Adult Mosquito Control Operations

There are no adult mosquito control operations scheduled at this time.

Follow our Facebook page or check back regularly for updates to our operations.

Mosquito sprayings are scheduled only when mosquitoes are detected to be involved in elevated levels of a disease transmission cycle. In order to help fight against mosquitoes in your neighborhood, please check out our page on at-home prevention.

Click here for more information on the District's adult control operations.

2024 Mosquito Season Update - July 15th

Recent heavy rains combined with warm temperatures will result in a major hatch of the Aedes vexans floodwater mosquito. This mosquito is not involved in disease transmission, however is an extremely aggressive biter. This mosquito is migratory by nature, with a flight range of well over 10 miles! District operations are aggressively targeting floodwater sources to prevent adult mosquito emergence.

While nuisance mosquitoes will be the predominant species present, residents are cautioned that the mosquito species involved in West Nile Virus (WNV) transmission is also present in our area. This species is not an aggressive biter with limited flight range, however must not be forgotten. Several areas within the District are experiencing increased levels of WNV to the level where transmission to humans is likely. Spraying for adult mosquitoes will be conducted during evening hours between dusk and midnight as needed in the specific areas. The District lists all areas to be sprayed on a particular evening on its website at dvmad.org, on its facebook page, and in addition notifies Villages for inclusion on their websites.

Residents are encouraged to use a common sense approach in avoiding exposure to adult mosquitoes and any potential mosquito-borne diseases. Window screens should be inspected and repaired if damaged to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home. In addition, any openings around window air conditioners, clothes dryer vents, etc. should be eliminated for the same reason. If possible, avoid outdoor activities around dusk. If not possible, wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Loose fitting, light colored clothing is best. Appropriate use of insect repellents per manufacturer’s instructions is recommended.

Residents should look for potential mosquito breeding sources around the home and take the following simple steps:

1) Throw away all trash that can hold water as cans, jars, bottles, etc.

2) Clean rain gutters/downspouts to prevent water from standing in gutters or on flat roofs.

3) Change water in bird baths, wading pools, etc. at least once a week.

4) Maintain swimming pools properly.

5) Remove or turn over containers, buckets, wheel barrows, etc. which may accumulate water.

6) Screen rain barrels to prevent adult mosquitoes from depositing eggs on the water’s surface.

7) Aerate ornamental ponds and stock with goldfish or other surface-feeding fish to control mosquito production.

8) Dispose of any used tires without rims to prevent water accumulation.